Report domestic violence

PARKVIEW – Police urge the community to report domestic violence cases.

Parkview Police Station’s head of Social Crime Prevention Sergeant Iris Phoko urged the community to report domestic violence.

“I want the community to be reminded to report each and every case of domestic violence,” said Phoko. “They should go to the family court [located at a magistrates’ court] to apply for a protection order. None should feel afraid to report a case of domestic violence.

“There is sufficient help, which is in place should a victim feel that he or she won’t have a place to go should they open a case. There are various shelters which will help the victim and counsellors,” said Phoko.

The purpose of a protection order is meant to prevent the re-occurrence of domestic violence or sexual harassment, according to Phoko.

Any victim of domestic violence can apply for a protection order but there are procedures that need to be adhered to for it to be granted by the court. The court needs to be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence which clearly implicates that the suspect has committed an act of domestic violence or harassment, then the court will issue an interim protection order.

An interim protection order is a temporary order and has a court appearance date. This date is indicated for the victim and perpetrator to both appear in court and the protection order will be finalised as soon as the victim and perpetrator have both appeared in court. If there is enough evidence, the court will then grant a final protection order.

However, if the alleged perpetrator did not appear on the set date, the magistrate will issue a warrant for arrest and he or she will be arrested and detained until the next court date as the non-appearance amounts to contempt of court.

Details: Parkview Police Station 011 486 5000

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