Police on hunt for three suspects linked to house robbery

BRAMLEY – The police are on the hunt for three suspects linked to a recent house robbery in Bramley.


The incident was caught on camera and shows three suspects park a vehicle on the complainant’s property before proceeding to steal valuables and cash.

Warrant Officer Moses Maphakela, spokesperson for Bramley Police Station, explained the sequence of events. “The complainant alleges that the suspects arrived at his house, parked two cars, one which is not visible in the footage, and broke into his house,” Maphakela said.

The men then proceeded to steal valuables from the house and are then seen loading three plasma TV sets into one of the cars. Maphakela added that six iPhones were also stolen before the victim arrived home. “The resident then alleges that he parked his car behind one of the cars and one of the suspects approached his car, assaulted him and forced him into his house where more money was stolen,” he said.

The suspects then made off with the valuables and money.

Maphakela appealed to community members who have any information regarding the incident to contact Detective-Lieutenant Eleck Maluleke from Bramley Police Station.

Details: 071 920 4586.


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