Homeless association reflects on the year that has been

ROSEBANK - The chairperson Of the Rosebank Homeless Association shared the association's Christmas and New Year wishes as she reflected on 2015.

Looking back this year, the Rosebank Homeless Association (RHA) thanked individuals and organisations for all their donations throughout the year, from a Trust to the many regular small donations in kind made through the Community Collection Box at the Rosebank Mall, and the food and warm apparel donated during Mandela Day.

“There was a training opportunity donated to members of the Zinto Zinhle Sewing Project, where they not only learnt greater skills, but also gained dignity and self-respect,” explained Judith Briggs chairperson of the RHA.

She added that a printing company donated all the costs around a publicity brochure.

“A special highlight for one of the RHA projects, Bokomaso, has been the fencing of an open space next to a creche in Alexandra to create a playground. Some of the children attending the creche are sponsored by us.”

When asked who the association’s heroes were for this year, Briggis said, “The real heroes are those who have struggled through some adversity and have kept on going to get back on their feet again. A young man going back to practical training to gain a skill, and determined to succeed despite the difficulties, as well as those who have made it possible for him to do this.”

Briggs explained that next year, the organisation hopes to continue to assist those in need. Training needs to be expanded and the association looks forward to welcoming new participants in the Zinto Zinhle Sewing Project.

For Christmas and New Year, all the association hopes and wishes for is to see playground equipment in the Alex creche play area, to have a place to put up lockers for the storage needs of homeless people, and to have more overnight shelter facilities so no one ends up sleeping on the streets or in parks.

Details: Judith Briggs briggsjudith@telkomsa.net

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