New exhibition at Gallery MOMO

PARKHURST - Jonathon Hindson, a South African-born, and now French-based artist is taking his art to Gallery MOMO for a limited time only and will showcase a new body of works in his exhibition titled Home.

Gallery MOMO is a world renowned contemporary art gallery situated in the suburb of Parktown North, Johannesburg.

For this exhibition, Hindson explained that his artworks are reflective of the term ‘home’.

“[They] refer to some aspect of a place I could, or would like to, or wish to, call ‘home’ – be it a country, a family or a social context,” he said.

Hindson grew up in Johannesburg during the 60s and 70s, following which he left for France at 11 years old.

“I came back to visit my family twice, and then after 1980, I didn’t come back to South Africa for another 32 years,” he recapped.

On his return from the country that has recently suffered a massive attack, he was asked if South Africa has changed.

“I would first have to explore what has changed the most: The country or myself,” he responded.

Hindson also noted that one can only remember something once and from then on, what we remember is the mental image of what has been remembered.

“The feeling of belonging is quite strange and unpredictable. Why should one feel at home in a place that has been getting along with its business without even noticing an absence?

“When I start with a picture, I don’t really know where it will take me. I guess that what I call deconstructing a picture is a process of expecting it to talk back.

“The final painting is the result of a long, sometimes heated or candid, discussion between the picture and me.”

For his show at the gallery – where the concepts of memory and perception are key themes in his work – Hindson uses his perception of various situations influenced by memories that define him as a person.

The exhibition will be on show at Gallery MOMO in Johannesburg from 19 November until mid-January next year before moving on to Cape Town.


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