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Balfour Mall car guards pay too much

GLENHAZEL - Olga-May Musnitzky, an attorney in Glenhazel and a regular shopper at Balfour Mall, recently approached the North Eastern Tribune with great concern about a car guard at the mall.

Musnitzky noticed that her friendly car guard, who always assists her with her shopping bags, had not been working in the parking lot for some time.

Upon inquiry, it came to her attention that car guards at Balfour Mall have to cough up a daily fee of R70 from their earnings to mall management.

Musnitzky said, “Come rain or shine, bad or intermittent weather, it would appear that they are forced to pay this amount to the landlord. In exchange for this monthly rental payment, they neither receive food nor accommodation, just an orange jacket.”

The jackets the guards wear have the name Excalibur on the back with a telephone number. The North Eastern Tribune tried to contact Excalibur, however, the company refused to comment on the matter.

When approaching the car guards for their story, they all refused to give their name to protect their identity. The car guards indicated that they are expected to work from 8.30am to 7pm daily. If they do not pay R70 at the end of each working day, they are asked to leave and not return to work the following day. One car guard said sometimes he needs to go to Yeoville to sleep at his brother’s house because he does not have enough money to travel home to Tembisa.

Prior to renovations of the mall, car guards were required to pay between R15 and R20 per day and if some could not pay this fee, they would still have their job the following day.

Car guards at Balfour Mall earn about R100 to R120 per day, and if they are lucky, they make R150 to R200 on payday weekend. “I go home sometimes with R10 or R30 in my pocket, and I have three children to feed,” said a car guard who wished to remain anonymous.

Manager of the mall, Meryl Bessesar, was approached for comment but told the North Eastern Tribune that she was unable to comment and would contact the relevant people to provide further information on the matter.

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