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MUST READ: Russian refugees gold found in old trunk donated to charity shop

ORANGE GROVE - An old trunk donated to the HospiceWits Charity shop in Orange Grove for resale in their vintage and collectible department was found to have R54 000 worth of Russian gold dated from the 1850s hidden inside.

Michelle von Allemann of HospiceWits said, “The trunk was very old, battered and not in good shape, being well-worn and well-travelled. However, it generated a fair amount of interest with our customers with a debate ensuing regarding its value.”

According to Von Allemann, as a customer of the shop inspected the case with a staff member, he pulled the trunk lining aside to inspect the condition of the frame. As he did so, a small metal plate fell forward revealing a hidden compartment.

“To everyone’s surprise, the compartment was filled with beautiful gold jewellery and other items of value, including a beautiful gold engraved cigarette box,” added Von Alleman.

According to Amanda Brown of HospiceWits, the donor of the trunk was contacted by the CEO of HospiceWits, Jacqui Kaye, and the gold was returned to the family.

“The gold belongs to the donor of the trunk. It was the moral and only thing to do when we found it,” added Brown.

According to Brown, the donor of the trunk, who wishes to remain anonymous, was surprised and thrilled by the find. “The donor explained that the trunk had been in her husband’s family for years. His family had escaped from Russia in 1850 and had eventually settled in South Africa as Russian refugees,” added Brown.

According to Brown, it is believed the gold travelled from Russia with the family. The gold pieces will be shared among the donor’s grandchildren.

Details: 011 728 1052.

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