CAP hosts domestic training session in Glenhazel

GLENHAZEL - Community Active Protection (CAP) held a domestic training session for the greater Glenhazel community at the Glenhazel Primary School recently.

According to CAP, the purpose of these training sessions is to create awareness in order to prevent crime and educate the community on how to respond in case of an emergency. Tactical officers were present to answer any questions the community had.

A statement from CAP said, “More than 150 domestic workers and gardeners attended the event which proved to be an enlightening, enjoyable afternoon for all.”

According to CAP, the sessions are free and form part of their commitment to building a safer community.

To find out more about CAP’s domestic training sessions or to request a domestic training day in your area, call CAP’s administration office on 0860 332 332.

Details: CAP’s emergency number 0861 227 227.

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