Policewomen take charge

PARKVIEW – Female staff at Parkview Police Station showed that they can protect the public just as well as the boys can, if not better.

This was during operation Basadi (meaning women) which was conducted at the intersection of Jan Smuts Avenue and Lower Park Drive.

Policewomen from the station and Metro police were out in full force during the operation, which forms part of the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure initiative called Operation Fiela (meaning to ‘sweep clean’ in Setswana) which aims to rid South Africa of illegal weapons, drugs and other unlawful activities.

New station commander at the station, Colonel Thembelule Kubone, who has been making every effort to acquaint herself with the Parks community, was armed with an assault rifle during the operation to send a clear message to criminals who may cross her path during the operation: Keep out of our suburbs.

“It’s important that the community feel our presence in the suburbs,” said Kubone.

“Our residents need to be aware that we, as the police, are putting them first. We hope they also appreciate the increased visibility of our officers.”

The women weren’t left to conduct the entire operation by themselves, however, as male officers stood by just in case their female colleagues encountered any problems for which they may have required slightly firmer assistance.

Captain Constance Oliphant said she was utterly proud of being part of the project.

“Women can do this job just as well as men can,” said Oliphant.

Spokesperson for the station, Sergeant Lloyd Ramovha, elaborated further on the operation, saying that this was not only done to honour policewomen during Women’s Month, but it was also aimed at addressing crime holistically.

“Over 1 000 pamphlets on general crime awareness, as well as anti-corruption, were distributed to motorists and pedestrians,” stated Ramovha.

“Several traffic infringement notices were also issued.”

Ramovha added that the operation was a success. “No serious crimes were committed throughout the precinct during the tour of duties on the day.”

Details: 011 486 5000.

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