Glory Game: A movie to honour a rugby legend

MAGALIESSIG - Special guests and media were treated to Glory Game: The Joost van der Westhuizen story movie premiere at Montecasino on 12 August.


A red carpet was rolled out for guests while photographers took photos of them as they went through to the main event area where they were treated to wine and snacks as they waited to be ushered into the movie theatre.

Before the screening of his movie, rugby legend Van der Westhuizen shared a few words of gratitude to the crowd for their presence.

The movie shows the life of Van der Westhuizen and maps out his journey from a healthy professional rugby player to a man battling a deadly disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The rugby player was diagnosed in early 2011 and has been living with the illness since. The movie shows Van Der Westhuizen’s dedication to helping others and creating awareness about the illness.

He is currently helping to assist in a study to find a cure for ALS and possibly find what causes it.

The movie ended with a moving song dedicated to Van der Westhuizen.

Glory Game: The Joost van der Westhuizen story opens to the general public at selected cinemas across the country on 21 August.

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