Klara’s mum thanks public for support

WESTCLIFF – A 14-year-old girl from Westcliff who was reported missing on 11 August, was found dead after an apparent suicide at the Northgate Shopping Mall.

Liesl Gottert has taken to Facebook yet again, thanking the public for all the support she and her family recieved following the death of her 14 year old daughter, Klara.

The status reads, “We have been overwhelmed with the most beautiful messages of condolences and support.
Social media has truly allowed our generation to connect with each other – one on one – and not to rely on mass media alone to tell our stories, to share our happiness or our grief, to receive support and to feel truly blessed and comforted. South Africans in their thousands have contacted my family and I. Many thousands others from across the globe have sent beautiful messages, stories, motivation, light, love, blessings and prayers. We have tried to read every one of these messages and to take every phone call. Those we have missed will be read as soon as we get time to do so.”

She went on to state, “I suppose it’s only a natural phenomenon for a human community to rally around our young and vulnerable when they are hurt or have passed away – just like elephants do. We feel your support and we appreciate it.”

The status also hinted at a form of book that the grieving mother is thinking of writing.

The status went on to say, “Once the funeral is over, I’d like to spend some time to think and to put my thoughts about Klara, our family and friends, events that led up to this tragedy and the subsequent process, on paper. Don’t know what form it will take on yet, but I’ll keep you posted, for those who are interested.
I genuinely wish Klara could have witnessed an ounce of the love and support that her family are receiving from people who share this planet with us. (and perhaps she does) In good time we could perhaps channel some of this incredible goodwill into an initiative or Foundation that will save other children and people from making this same mistake that my baby girl made – and to support existing initiatives that are already doing just that.
Thank you, each one of you for every precious message. We hear every word.”

An infographic depicting the tragic story of Klara.

Click here for the latest and to watch videos of Klara from her happier days

Click here to read: EXCLUSIVE: Klara Gottert – Teen asked on date on day of suicide

UPDATE: 1.50pmKlara Gottert’s mother, Liesl, took to Facebook this morning to share memories of her “precious Klara”.

In the post, she wrote about how Klara would ordinarily have been in the shower singing pop songs. She writes about her pain, explaining that she never knew a human body could produce so many tears.

Click here to view: Klara Gottert – Exclusive footage of her happier days (WATCH)

“I never heard the birds sing this morning. My hands tremble as I type these words and the laptop keys feel sticky. Maybe because my palms are cold and sweating. I walked around outside at 3am. I didn’t even feel the Johannesburg winter this time, Don’t know how many cups of tea I had,” wrote Liesl.

She continued, saying that although she had received countless messages of condolences, none of these would bring back her daughter.

“I’m looking at all the flowers that fill the house… but I only want one flower to be in my arms. My Klara. My dearest dearrest dearest precious Klara. The pain is unbearable.”

LISTEN: Liesl Gottert speaks to EWN about Klara’s death.

Teen anguish: A mother's heartache & advice by Primedia Broadcasting


The mother of Klara Gottert, Liesl Gottert has reportedly backtracked on her previous statement that her daughter’s death was a confirmed suicide.

On 12 August, the mother confirmed to several news agencies, including the , Rosebank Killarney Gazette that her daughter had taken her own life.

However, by late yesterday afternoon, Gottert claimed that she had evidence which could show that her daughter’s death was in fact, not a suicide.

Click here to read more about how the tragedy unfolded.

Police are yet to confirm whether foul play has been ruled out, and are still investigating the matter. Police confirmed to the Rosebank Killarney Gazette that by yesterday evening, no evidence had been brought forward by Liesl Gottert.

Klara Gottert fell from the roof of the Northgate Shopping Centre on the evening of 11 August. She had failed to return home from school that day. Her family and friends took to social media to look for her and to spread the word about her disappearance.

More details will follow as they become available.

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View some of Klara Gottert‘s Instagram posts below:

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