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Norwood police reach out to abuse victims

NORWOOD - Norwood Police Station is urging victims of domestic abuse to seek help after a number of cases related to domestic abuse have been reported recently.

Sergeant Nurse Sanyane of Norwood police said, “Victims of all types of abuse must not sit in silence and suffer. They must reach out and receive the help that they need and deserve.”

According to Sanyane, a number of domestic abuse victims do not seek help fearing the consequences. “Victims often do not approach us out of fear that someone will find out and they will suffer more abuse,” added Sanyane.

She said the police are there to assist the community and are able to offer support, or at least direct whoever is in need of that support, in the right direction.

Sanyane said, “You don’t have to lay a charge. You may come and speak to us. You do not have to go through a long and drawn-out process. If we are unable to help or feel that another organisation is better, we can put you into contact with them.” She said there are many different organisations or groups able to assist the community if need be.

“Do not wait until it is too late. We are here. We will always be here to serve the community,” added Sanyane.

Details: 011 483 4600.

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