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Local musos start the week with a twar

JOHANNESBURG – Twitter exploded this morning, thanks to a tweet by Black Coffee which local musician AKA did not appreciate!

It all started with what appears to be an innocent tweet – but is there such a thing these days? Black Coffee said “Now that’s hip hop … not this nonsense some of our local hip hop artists do … some even attacking tweeps …. Put in a song … We want MUSIC.”

AKA was not impressed and responded with his own tweet.


But instead of leaving it there, he decided to vent some pent-up frustration.





Many fans of both parties decided to put in their two cents.


Needless to say, after the public laid bare their opinions on the matter, the entire thing was settled with a final tweet from each artist.


Drama … drama … drama!

What are your views on local hip-hop music? Let us know on our Facebook page or tweet at us @CityBuzzJHB.

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