Vega and DSSA students shine at Parklife 2015

CRAIGHALL - STUDENTS from Vega School of Brand Leadership (Vega), the Design School of Southern Africa (DSSA) and both divisions of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), put a unique spin on this year’s Parklife Gourmet Food and Music Festival, held in Johannesburg.

The students were tasked with creating artwork which showcased inspirational South Africans. Under the theme of voices, each student chose a figure they identified with and wanted to portray in a painting which included a quote that captured the essence of what that person meant to them.

Muziwamandla Madondo, an art and design student, chose to create a portrait of Miriam Makeba, harnessing an expressive and intuitive style with simple but bold strokes to represent her character.

While first year IIE BA Graphic Design students, Mariska Vorster and Celine Economides, worked together on a portrait of Ingrid Jonker entitled Bitterbessie Dagbreek, using unusual colour combinations to emphasise the fragile balance of Jonker’s character.

Paper Planes was the title of first year IIE BA Graphic Design student, Khutso Selotole’s representation of Nkosi Johnson. Selotole used abstract shapes that disintegrate and eventually represent the simplified form of a paper plane or birds flying into the distance. She limited her use of colour, emphasising tonal contrast to enhance form.

Dr Carla Enslin, co-founder of Vega said, “Each student stylised and interpreted their portraits in a way that communicated messages they hold dear. The end products were an impressive sight, displaying the diverse interest and celebration of unique creative views and varying interests,” Enslin said.

Marili de Weerdt, DSSA Art and Visual Culture programme manager also took part in the event, creating a portrait called The dude who did ballet. De Weerdt depicted Andile Nkosi, who chose an unlikely career and excelled against all odds. The quote included in her artwork was, “Never live in fear that you might fail. Failure is the University of Champions.”

The Vega School of Photography also displayed work created by the students.

Parklife is a creative, urban entertainment and lifestyle festival focused on quality international and South African music and art talent. In its fourth edition, this single day event comprised three separate stages, including food vendors from neighbourhood markets and farmers markets which have, over time, created a definite lifestyle feel to the food village.

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