12 Step rally towards overeating

SANDRINGHAM - Overeaters Anonymous' (OA) Jabula group is set to take part in this year's inaugural 12 Step rally which will take place on Youth Day,16 June.

The 12 Step fellowship exists to assist people suffering from compulsive overeating which is widely considered to be a disease akin to alcoholism and drug addiction. Members of the group will set up a stand at the Manger Care Centre in Benoni, and will be joined by members of Gamblers Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous.

“OA is aiming to create awareness about the disease of compulsive overeating and to get our name out as a fellowship, so people get to know about us and realise we are as important to recovery as any other 12 Step fellowship,” said a female member of Overeaters Anonymous who wished to remain anonymous.

“I think it’s a great opportunity for us to strengthen our relationship with other 12 Step fellowships, to present and introduce ourselves, and create awareness.”

According to Juan, a spokesperson for the event who wanted only to be known by his first name, said there were more than 230 different 12 Step- based recovery groups in existence worldwide which all dealt with various symptoms of the disease of addiction.

He expressed his excitement that lesser-known fellowships such as OA would be gaining exposure through, what he believed, was an important event. Speakers at the rally will be sharing their messages of experience, strength and hope with attendees.

Cait, another spokesperson for the event who only wanted to be identified by her first name, shared Juan’s enthusiasm.

“It’s great that we are all going to be unified as recovering addicts,” she said.

“Everyone must join in, it doesn’t matter which fellowship you come from, we are all in this together.”

According to OA’s website, “OA honours its members’ anonymity within its organisation and in the media.” Members themselves can decide whether or not they make their membership known to the public.

Details: Cait 076 372 9822; Juan 076 372 9822.


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