Sewers graduate from sewing school

Sewing students from the Union of Jewish Women Johannesburg gathered together at the Impact for Christ Ministries in Johannesburg for a special sewing graduation ceremony on 29 May.


As per tradition, students donned the outfits they had made during the course and each one was then presented with a Certificate of Completion. Six months prior to starting the course, none of the students had ever used a sewing machine or even thought about creating a garment.

Last year, the Union of Jewish Women Johannesburg opened its new sewing school for unemployed women and men at the Impact for Christ Ministries building in Johannesburg’s city centre.

“Thanks to the generosity of various donors, the school has been equipped with sewing machines, a plethora of fabrics, and all the accoutrements of a professional sewing school. Through the church’s outreach group, students across the board have been recruited and are being taught by an excellent highly-qualified seamstress,” said Impact for Christ Ministries spokesperson, Pastor Fezeka Magano, who was a guest speaker at the ceremony.

He also highlighted the importance of the collaboration between the Union of Jewish Women and the church to uplift so many people.

“The aim of the sewing school is to empower the students and equip them with the skills they need to ultimately be in a position to support themselves. The students who have already graduated from the school are busy making beautiful bags, aprons and tablecloths, and all these can be ordered through the Johannesburg branch of the Union of Jewish Women,” said Magano.

Filler: Do you know how to sew? Let us know by commenting on the North Eastern Tribune Facebook page

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