Community in Action to curb crime in the hood

PARKTOWN NORTH - THE Parktown North Residents' Association, (PNRA), has stepped up efforts in the fight against crime.

The Community in Action’s crime fighting campaign was achieved through the input and participation of various stakeholders such as Parkview police and security service providers ADT and Cortec, chairperson of PNRA Lee-Ann Louverdis said.

The PNRA was made aware by police that there was a correlation between the location of building sites and incidents of crime in the immediate vicinity as police used a fingerprinting system on construction staff onsite to identify any criminals and illegal immigrates, Louverdis claimed.

“Random inspections of building sites by police also raises awareness among perpetrators that the Parktown North community is active and vigilant against crime,” Louverdis expressed.

The PNRA also reminded the community to take care when visiting Parktown Quarter shopping centre as thieves are using remote control jamming devices when people lock their car doors there, Louverdis warned.

The association also spoke of their success in their war against graffiti as no new incidents have occurred since their last clean-up.


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