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TODAY- No signs of physical violence in the Joburg CBD

TODAY - There have been reports of alleged xenophobic attacks and intimidation in the greater Johannesburg area. The atmosphere however, is tense in areas in and around the Joburg CBD according to a number of civilians in the area.

According to a press release sent out by the City Of Joburg’s political leadership and its administration assured residents, especially business and residents of the Inner City that it will not allow Joburg to descend into chaos, in response to possible xenophobic attacks.

The statement read, Executive mayor, councilor Parks Tau and his Mayoral Committee are calling upon residents to go about their daily business peacefully and not be influenced by events in other parts of Gauteng or the country. “Xenophobic attacks or any form of violence against foreigners is unacceptable and must not be encouraged or tolerated”, says Mayor Tau.

The statement indicates that the attacks that took place was not xenophobic.

Mayor Tau said that yesterday’s commotion in the CBD was not in any way related to xenophobia but was a JMPD operation in support of SARS business visits.

This resulted in some shops closing especially those owned by foreigners. It appears that the situation was largely misunderstood although amidst the operation there may have been criminal elements that took the opportunity to terrorise people in the area.

Hermann Niebuhr, in the Joburg CBD, said, “There was an incident where a van pulled up outside a shop where a number of individuals got out and walked into a shop, however the shop is owned by a South African.”

According to Niebuhr, the men were chased off.

Niebuhr added, “The atmosphere is definitely tense and a lot of shop owners have closed their doors and are keeping a look out for trouble.”

Ayuba Ugonma, a foreign national said, “I feel that this situation has gotten out of hand and all this speculation may incite violence. I am not saying that nothing has happened or will happen, however the media attention has been unnecessary.”

According to Ugonma, there has been a heavy police presence in and around Joburg.

Ugonma added, “The police are here in numbers, I am sure that they are fully capable of stopping any potential attacks.”

A post by bulawayo24.com indicates that a video was posted by militia group, Boko Haram. Allegedly the video threatens that if South African authorities do simmer the situation down, they will execute South African Nationals in countries such as Nigeria, Chad among others. No supporting evidence has been found to prove this theory.

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