Troublesome Parkhurst resident investigated

PARKHURST - IT HAS emerged that one man is terrorising Parkhurst.

Parkview police were called after a resident complained about a speeding motorist. “He was driving like a lunatic, which is highly inconsiderate as there could be a dreadful accident,” said the complainant.

It later emerged that the man reported for speeding is being investigated for allegedly pointing a firearm at a contractor working outside on his pavement two weeks earlier.

The contractor, who wished to remain anonymous, explained that the suspect had pointed a firearm at him while he was digging up the suspect’s pavement. “I was working when [the suspect] rudely asked me what I was doing on his pavement,” said the contractor.

“He then pointed a firearm at me from the balcony of his house after I responded.”

Another contractor at the scene said that he was told to run when the suspected pointed the firearm. “I just heard someone screaming ‘run’ and so we all moved away,” he said.

“This is our bread and butter, he can’t keep shouting at us for doing our jobs.”

Another resident who wanted to remain anonymous, claimed that the suspect was very unpredictable.

The manager of Parkview Armed Proaction also known as NYPD Security, Greg Margolis, confirmed that he was aware of the incident and the police were looking into it.

The suspect’s family were not willing to comment and stated that it was a sensitive matter.

Parkview police are investigating.

Details: 011 486 5000;

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