White Mercedes linked to more robberies.

HOUGHTON - FOLLOWING information supplied by Yusuf Abramjee, founder of Crime Line, a white Mercedes Benz has been linked to various house robberies in Houghton and surrounding areas.

Some information has surfaced from Community Active Patrol (CAP) in terms of how the suspects driving the white Mercedes conduct their robberies.

An attempted robbery occurred in Neave Road on 12 February in Senderwood.

Suspects driving a white Mercedes Benz approached a staff member of a home on Neave Road and asked if the owner was there.

The member of staff confirmed that the owner was there and the suspects left. They then appeared again and forced their way onto the property. It was apparent that they were armed according to CAP.

The owner of the house who was alerted by the staff member managed to secure the home by locking all the doors.

The suspects then left the scene as it is believed they panicked. A security guard stationed nearby confirmed that there were four armed suspects.

If anyone notices a suspicious looking white Mercedes Benz they can call 10111.

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Related article: White Mercedes linked to robberies

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