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Car guards torment Greenside residents

GREENSIDE - Residents along Gleneagles Road continue to be tormented by car guards along the street day and night.

According to Debbie-Lynn Swart, a resident in the area, the car guards bang on her car and threaten her.

“I live opposite the Woolworths and I get zap-signs, threats and banging on my car all because I refuse to pay the car guards. It’s ridiculous,” said Swart.

Metro police spokesperson Edna Mamonyane advised that residents to report car guards to the police or call police if they felt threatened.

Lloyd Ramavho urged residents to report such cases to the police as soon as they occurred.

“According to information available at this stage, it appears that there are no formal complaints filed with us against car guards. In order for us to take action, we appeal for people to report such incidents as and when they occur,” said Parkview Police Station spokesperson, Lloyd Ramavho.

“We have found that many times car guards are the ones responsible for petty crimes as they break into cars after owners tell them to leave their cars as they have alarms active,” explained Mamonyane.

Ward 87 councillor Amanda Forsythe was aware of the illegal car guards and said even though businesses in the area had spoken about the issue, nothing had been done about it yet.

Another resident residing along Greenway Street explained that it was the worst thing ever.

“I hate walking or driving in and out my building because of how the car guards harass you every minute of the day. Particularly the youngest looking of them all – a man with a tall skinny frame who is always on my case about money or parking,” said the resident.

Car guard Sphamandla Ngwenya stated that he did not bother residents and only washed cars.

“I don’t bother people, I just got here last week. There are many car guards who shouldn’t even be here,” said Ngwenya.

A worker in the area explained that many of the car guards were generally peaceful, until they smoked weed.

To view the previous story on car guards in Greenside, click here.

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