Tempers boil at Sydenham pool

SYDENHAM - Tempers were frayed after a confrontation occurred between a resident and staff at Sydenham swimming pool.

Raffaella Wainer said she was shocked by the behaviour of lifeguards at the newly revamped Sydenham pool on 9 February, but residents who frequent the pool defended the lifeguards, saying the pool is well run and safe.

“I found it a most sad situation and cannot believe that these buffoons would be able to swim, let alone save my life… this situation is absolutely not acceptable,” said Raffaella Wainer after confronting the pool’s supervisor, Julius Lwana.

According to Wainer, the pool’s lifeguards were dancing to loud music, smoking and sunbathing while listening to music through their earphones. When she spoke to Lwana, she said he had asked whether there was a problem with the lifeguards enjoying themselves.

“I tried to explain to the superintendent that it was not a good reflection on him if his staff are so unprofessional. He didn’t agree and seemed in complete agreement with his staff,” said Wainer.

Lwana was unable to comment, but local residents Jesse Sanderson, Kyle Bosse and Akhona Nonzube, who spend time at the pool daily and witnessed the confrontation with Wainer, came to the defence of the pool staff.

“I’ve never seen them not do their job,” said Sanderson, adding that four lifeguards on full-time duty keep a close eye on swimmers venturing into deep water, and regulate the behaviour of children around the pool.

According to Sanderson, Bosse and Nonzube, the pool was almost empty at the time of the incident, and some of the lifeguards were dancing to music that the three visitors were playing while they used nearby outdoor gym equipment. The three keen swimmers said they often help the guards watch swimmers when the pool is busy. A popular place, the pool is packed with school pupils during the week, and residents use the venue for picnics and functions over the weekends.

Ward 72 councillor Steven Kruger said he has not received any complaints since the season’s beginning, when allegations that lifeguards were partying at the pool after hours were quickly resolved. According to Kruger, problems with crowd control and noise following renovations were addressed with the intervention of Metro police, although allegations about the sale and use of drugs and alcohol at the pool and the neighbouring park continue.

“Generally I have had very positive feedback regarding [Lwana] and he seems to be well liked by regular patrons to the pool,” said Kruger.

Filler: Have you experienced professional behaviour of the lifeguards at the pool? Comment on our Facebook page

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