Journey into the mind of an artist

KILLARNEY- The opening night for Journey Into The Mind Of An Artist was held at Killarney Mall on 11 February, and more than 500 people attended the event.

“The evening was such a success, the staff was unbelievable. The gallery is a huge draw card for the area,” said Alexander Krebs.

Guests were treated to food and imported wine as well as a great performance from musician Larry Amos.

Despite the power outage, everything went according to plan.

“It was incredible, the gallery was overflowing with people and many waited outside as well,” said Krebs.

” I was totally blown away by the number of people who came to the event,” Krebs added on.

More than 20 artists exhibited their work, among them was Justin Abelman who started painting at the age of 10. ” My style is Eastern European and I use acrylic paint on canvas,” Abelman explained.

Also exhibiting her work was Tessa Rosedorff, who uses telephone directories to make her paper mache’ pots.

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