
Growing critical thinkers of the future

OBSERVATORY - A pioneering curriculum at Sacred Heart College helps teachers and pupils develop their critical thinking capacity.

According to information released by the school, Sacred Heart College is the first school in South Africa to develop critical thinking as part of its curriculum. This new curriculum has been developed in close collaboration with the MindBurst Workshop, which has gone on to introduce the materials developed with Sacred Heart into state schools, in collaboration with the Piermont CSI.

Recognising that teachers and schools need a simple, efficient and inexpensive entry point into the practice of critical thinking, MindBurst created a product, Rapid Gains Critical Thinking (RGCT) in consultation with the college.

“We asked ourselves, ‘What small, short-term interventions could have the biggest, long-term consequences?'” said Andre Croucamp, founder of MindBurst.

“What emerged from our research was a list of 10 rapid gains. Each of these was divided into five cards, making a pack of 50 cards.”

The purpose of the RGCT cards is to help teachers reflect on their teaching practice, as well as assisting school management to reflect on their school’s culture. Without paying large fees, attending lengthy training courses or taking up precious curriculum time, teachers and schools can begin a journey of critical thinking skills, or enhance the one they are already on.

During a five-day professional development programme in January, Sacred Heart College staff members became the first teachers to work with the RGCT cards, which are locally developed, economical, and can be used anywhere from a rural farm school to a highly technical, independent school. The response from pupils at the school has been positive too.

“Sacred Heart College taught me how to think for myself, because of the critical thinking skills courses and the teaching methods,” said Darren Blanckensee, who matriculated last year with four As.

“We learnt how things work, and were not simply taught to pass.”

As educators around the world recognise the need to integrate critical thinking skills into curricula, teaching practice and school culture, Sacred Heart College and MindBurst are proud to be developing a South African response to this challenge.

Details: Naomi Meyer,

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