Parkhurst wants freedom from Eskom

PARKHURST - The Parkhurst Residents' and Business Owners' Association (PRABOA) have now embarked on another project which aims to get over 2000 homes in Parkhurst off the Eskom grid and totally self-sustainable by 2020.

“Our aim is to be the first urban area in Africa that is completely off the Eskom grid and is self-sustainable,” said Ryan Beech, member of the Parkhurst Residents’ and Business Owners’ Association.

Beech explained that the project was extremely futuristic and included recycling, water management, solar power, vegetable gardens, biofuel, and electric charge stations for cars.

“The project is the first in South Africa, and Africa, and if successfully done, will completely change the way renewable energy is viewed. It will be a game-changing project for the country and other communities will follow us,” he added on.

Resident Cheryl Labuschagne explained that Parkhurst residents were totally supportive of the ‘Go Green’ initiative. “We have started meeting with specialists in various departments for assistance,” said Labuschagne. “What we are really trying to do is see what opportunities are out there,” she added on.

Rachel Prince, head of water and resource conservation and non-toxic gardening practices, was also excited about the project. “The cool thing about doing this as a community initiative here in Parkhurst is that information and resources around green innovations can be shared between households,” she said.

However, every project comes with challenges said Prince. “As far as water conservation goes, you find that the convenience of modern life has spoiled many people.”

The ‘go green’ initiative is still in its infancy days and all those involved are extremely excited. “It’s a technologically advanced and cool project,” said Beech.

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