Japari school hosts valediction

PARKVIEW - Japari School celebrated the end of their Grade 7's preparatory school careers at its valedictory service.

The school congratulated all its Grade 7’s for their many achievements.

It was a very special night made even more meaningful by the attendance of parents, family and friends.

The guest speaker, Noel Grey’s inspiring words were one of the highlights of the evening.

Pupil Alexander Beckett was awarded the Rose Gray award for excellent conduct and fellow pupil Jemma Alves received the Headmasters Award for her outstanding academic and sport achievements.

The Japari School is certain that the outgoing cohort of Grade 7 pupils will take with them the values they have learnt and face high school with vision, faith and courage.

The school wished all the pupils the very best as they embarked on the next phase of their education.

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