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A merry Christmas at Elphin Lodge

LYNDHURST - Residents of Elphin Lodge retirement village gathered on 26 November to celebrate the coming festive season with a Christmas coffee morning.

The event was the last of the many social occasions hosted by the Rand Aid Association retirement village throughout the year, and it saw residents getting all wrapped up in a Christmas theme, complete with a visit from Santa Claus (alias Elphin Lodge resident Des Sonnenfeld), festive fare in the form of mince pies, and a costume of trademark red and white hats. A lucky draw saw residents receiving exciting gifts from Santa himself.

This year saw Adrienne Reid take over the task of organising the annual Christmas event, as predecessor Ruth Greek passed on the baton after many years’ hard work. Helping to ensure that the morning ran smoothly were fellow hostesses Madge Ronald, Liebe Meyer, Joan Beeton and Kathy Theron.

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