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John Carlin book attempts to unpack complexities in Pistorius’ character

ROSEBANK -The Oscar Pistorius murder trial has undoubtedly captured the world's attention, generating widespread comment and criticism on his actions and character.

Journalist and author, John Carlin, grappled to gain a nuanced understanding of Pistorius in his new book Chase your shadow: the trials of Oscar Pistorius. Through many interviews and conversations with the people Oscar Pistorius has encountered in his life, Carlin attempts to provide a balanced view of the Olympian and convicted murderer.

At the book launch in Rosebank’s Exclusive Books, his friend and fellow journalist, Debora Patta said, “If you are a fan of Oscar Pistorius you’re going to hate this book, if you despise Oscar Pistorius you’re going to hate this book.”

Carlin has been careful not to take a position on Pistorius, rather he endeavored to show the endless complexities and contradictions in the athlete’s character. “[Oscar Pistorius] is a man of extremes, an unsettled personality. He is egocentric but generous, temperamental but polite, driven and vulnerable” said Carlin.

Carlin responsibly points out that the media in general was quick to reflect what the public wanted, providing anecdotes that reinforced the villain aspects of Pistorius’ character whereas, prior to the shooting, the media swayed towards anecdotes that exemplified his hero aspects.

Carlin asserts that the public struggled with the ambiguity the situation presented on Oscar Pistorius’ character, noting that in many ways Pistorius is an apt mirror for South Africa today,

“South Africa is [also] complex and ambiguous, people view South Africa the way they view Oscar Pistorius. They take clear positions, South Africa is also a country of extremes,” he said.

Carlin emphasised that upon reflection, many South Africans appear to state with absolute conviction that they know what happened, when in reality he felt that the truth was complex and evasive.

“There are legal truths and truth-truths” he said.

Carlin attempts to go beyond the legal truth in writing his book, reaching into facets of Oscar Pistorius’ life and character that were glossed over in the media frenzy of his murder trial. He humbly noted that the book is still only an approximation of the ‘truth-truth’.

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