Brigadier wishes community a merry Christmas

RANDBURG - 2014 has been a challenging but successful year for Randburg SAPS.

The approach of Christmas and the new year provides the community with an opportunity to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the next year.

This year has been a challenging, but successful, year for Randburg police. They managed to stabilise most crimes, however, certain crimes such as robberies at traffic lights and theft out of motor vehicles remained problematic throughout the year.

Police have done several awareness campaigns to inform the community of these specific crime trends and how it can be prevented. Police will only be able to address these crimes successfully with the co-operation and support of the community, therefore, station commander Brigadier Lettie Hugo sincerely urged the community to assist them in this regard in the new year.

Hugo would like to thank Sandy Andrews, chairperson of the Community Police Forum, and her entire team including members of Sector Crime Forums, sub- committees, Elaine Crossling and her team from their Trauma Centre and the community at large for their ongoing support and efforts to assist them in the fight against crime.

“It is heart-warming to know that we can rely on your support and co-operation in challenging times,” she said.

Hugo would also like to thank businesses and individual members of the community for sponsorships, which enable them to do projects which improve their service delivery and to address crime.

Her objectives and wishes for next year are that they strengthen their partnerships and increase community involvement, to blow the whistle on crime and corruption, don’t turn a blind eye on abuse and violence and uplift and re-install moral values within the youth, as they are leaders of tomorrow.

“I hope that we as the police and you as our community will respect and treat each other as we all want to be treated,” she added.

Lastly, Hugo thanked her entire team, including their reservists at Randburg Saps for their commitment and dedication to put your lives on the line daily to serve and protect the community.

In warm appreciation of the association, Hugo extended her best wishes to the community for a happy and safe holiday season and a new year filled with peace, joy and success.

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