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A cracking good time

LYNDHURST - Residents at the Ron Smith Care Centre got cracking on their Christmas spirit with a day's activities on 24 November.

The Rand Aid Association Care Centre is situated on the grounds of Elphin Lodge, and boasts an occupational therapy day care centre for seniors, which is also open to members of the public. Occupational therapy assists the elderly in maintaining quality of life and mobility in the face of age-related physical and mental degeneration, strokes and other disorders. But the exercises and training provided by occupational therapists took a festive turn at a recent year-end event held at the care centre.

Crepe paper, ribbon, glue and scissors covered the tables, as visitors to the centre enjoyed a busy, colourful morning of activities. Ably assisted by volunteers, the occupational therapy department organised entertainment beginning with chair activities and culminating with the creation of Christmas crackers, in keeping with the seasonal spirit. A cracking good time was had by all.

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