Yeoville police commander pledges community partnership

YEOVILLE – In his festive season message, Yeoville Police Station Commander Colonel Mpe Motaung pledged community partnership and vigilance and thanked the community for their co-operation with the police this year.

Motaung said, “I am grateful to the community of Yeoville for being good to the police by assisting in retrieving illegal firearms, identifying perpetrators of crime and recovering stolen property. He also thanked the Yeoville Community Policing Forum and the youth desk members for ensuring the police and the community worked in harmony. He promised that over the festive season and the new year the police would be conducting numerous operations to prevent crime and ensure the community was safe.

Motaung said, “I would also like to thank the co-workers and families for the good work they are rendering to the community and for carrying out the police’s constitutional mandate. In order to prevent crime, my advice is to be alert at all times. I wish everyone and their families within the Yeoville police jurisdiction a merry Christmas and a blessed year next year.

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