German School opens new nursery school building

PARKTOWN - The Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg has expanded their pre-primary school Regenbogen Kids.

The official opening ceremony was held on 31 October.

In to better provide for the increased volumes of young pupils passing through their institution, an additional building has been incorporated for the Regentröpfchen class which caters to children from ages one to three, who then later officially join the slightly older children in Regenbogen pre-primary.

According the principal Brigitte Helmrich, this kindergarten extension project comes as the Regentröpfchen class experienced an upward surge in demand since it’s initial inception in 2011.

“There were 20 children [under three years old] in the first class, by 2012 we opened a second class and even had a waiting list”.

The facilities at the kindergarden also had to be expanded as the youngest pupils required nappy-changing facilities, specialised bathroom areas, a separate playground and napping areas.

There are currently 33 staff employed at the kindergarten overseeing about 80 young pupils, and four Regentröpfchen classes which are now fully accommodated by the new extension.

Despite the expansion, admission into the kindergarten still boasts a waiting list, although preference is given to German children, as the medium of instruction is German.

However non-German speaking children can, potentially, be better accommodated at the Regentröpfchen stage as they absorb the language with greater ease, and are usually fluent and capable of meeting the requirements to enter the primary school phase later on.

The expansion of the facilities for the school’s youngest pupils will, in the years to come, contribute to the gradual expansion of classes in the primary and high school located on the same property.


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