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SafeParks launches for Parkhurst and Parktown North

PARKHURST - The SafeParks non-profit company has been launched for the suburbs of Parkhurst and Parktown North.

The Parkhurst Residents and Business Owners Association (PRABOA), the Parktown North and Parkhurst Security Association (Parksec) and the Parktown North Residents Association (PNRA) have partnered to pursue a joint initiative with the goal of improving pro-active public space security across these areas.

Both the PRABOA and the PNRA acknowledge the significant contribution that Parksec has made to improving security across the suburbs over the past six years, and welcome the opportunity to partner with Parksec as the parties join forces to become more inclusive.

The resident associations’ recognise the importance of building upon the solid groundwork laid by Parksec, who for the sake of continuity, have agreed to make two of their directors available to the new board for an interim period.

Parksec will be re-named and re-branded as SafeParks.

SafeParks looks forward to harnessing new technology options that have recently become available to both suburbs, and will continue to engage with the communities to seek and disseminate relevant information.

Service from Parksec and its current nominated security service provider, Cortac, will continue uninterrupted until SafePark’s issues a new Request for Proposal (RFP) and appoints the successful service provider.

The tender is in effect a request to security providers to tender for their appointment as the selected provider of a holistic public-space security solution across both Parkhurst and Parktown North.

SafeParks looks forward to receiving the active support of the community.


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