Another bowls club in danger of closure

DUNKELD - Residents have raised their concerns following the possible closure of the Dunkeld Bowls Club.

The club together with the blind bowlers association lost the bid to continue to run the bowls club after the property went on tender earlier this year.

According to the captain of the club, Lionel van Niekerk they had applied for the tender as they had occupied and maintained the property since 2010.

Van Niekerk said they lost the bid to Boston College which was planning to use the facility for computer-based education and are intending to convert the bowling greens into a soccer facility.

“The key issues concerning the Dunkeld Bowls Club and the blind bowlers were that both associations would be displaced,” he said.

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Van Niekerk expressed his dismay in the manner in which the process was handled, and at the prospect of the club no longer being available for community use.

A public meeting will be held at the Dunkeld Bowls Club on 16 October where Ward 90 councillor Anthony Still will facilitate the meeting.

“I think that it is important that the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC) share the background to the tender and proposed lease to Boston City Campus,” said Still.

“JPC must be prepared to answer residents queries on zoning, noise, traffic, any alteration to the buildings, community access to the facilities, and other issues. Likewise, the Boston Group will be there to present their plans and to take questions.”

He encouraged residents who wanted to oppose the award of the lease, or insist on certain conditions if it goes ahead, to attend the meeting.

The college confirmed it would be taking over the premises and said in a statement: “Boston would like to inform the local community that the purpose for taking over the premises is to provide a platform for education for youth, and to ensure that certain existing businesses on the premises will have the opportunity to continue to trade.

“Boston is in communication with the ward councillor regarding concerns and ideas the residents may have, and will be addressing these.”

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