Bowls club apologises for noise

JOBURG - Following the councilor and residents’ numerous complaints about the noise coming from Fairmount Bowling Club's bar at night, the club’s committee vowed to play by the rules.

In a meeting with Ward 32 Councillor Steven Kruger, the club’s secretary Clint Sampson promised the councilor that he will make sure that all the necessary measures will be taken to contain the noise in the bar area. One of the residents complained that the bar had been playing loud music at all hours of the night from Wednesday to Sunday night and asked the councilor to speak to the club management to keep it down.

Before the meeting, Kruger had said he contacted Metro police after receiving numerous complaints about the noise. He said, “I also went to the premises and spoke with the person in charge and he turned down the sound, but I got complaints again that the sound was very loud after midnight. I have made senior people at Metro police aware of the problem. I also thought that they are probably using the premises illegally. The premises falls under the Johannesburg Property Company, and I have asked them to investigate the situation and clarify the legality of the operation, and if possible to either terminate the lease or evict them.”

However during the meeting, Sampson showed Kruger the necessary documents such as liquor licence and the committee also sent the lease agreement document to North Eastern Tribune.

Sampson said they value the community and they would never intentionally irritate the residents as that might also lead to their eviction. “We are part of this community and we want to develop the club. We will never do anything that can jeopardise the relationship between us and the community. We will also change the position of our speakers in the bar and organise double glazing glass doors in an effort to contain the noise. We do apologise to the community, we want to assure them that their complaints didn’t fall into deaf ears.”

After the meeting Kruger was satisfied with the commitment made by Sampson and promised to invite the environmental health department to assist the club to make sure they have a healthy relationship with the community.

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