Explore the city in another language

JOBURG - In South Africa, a country renowned for being a rainbow nation, Johannesburg adds to the colour.

From a designated China Town, to a section referred to as Little Ethiopia, or Hillbrow and it’s Nigerian neighbourhoods, it is a world that begs to be explored, and Afrikaans is part of the exploration.

Travel journalist Carla Lewis-Balden started the Afrikaans travel blog, Die Reismier last year and has since made a unique contribution to travel in South Africa.

“I’ve seen that most people respond more positively to any media if it’s quality content in their native language,” she said. “That’s why I’ve started Die Reismier. English blogs are a dime a dozen, but nobody in the travel blogosphere was speaking to Afrikaans consumers.

“Don’t ask me why it’s such an untapped niche market. We love to travel, we’ve got a healthy disposable income and we are very loyal towards certain brands and publications.”

As such she’s created a free-to-read blog, with competitions, information, columns and quips, all related to South African and world travel.

On top of that she is actively involved with producing more travel information by South Africans, for South Africans.

“We did a short travel video on YouTube on Maboneng and everybody that has seen it was like, ‘wow, where is that? Why haven’t we heard about it?’,” she added.

“I’m not talking about young arty ‘creatives’ who are up to date with the regeneration and gentrification [of the city]. It was people in their 40s and up. I also did some freelance articles for other blogs and publications and the response has been great. People are keen to explore [Johannesburg] beyond their suburban bliss.”

She said if a person had a plan, grit and perseverance, anyone could make it in Jozi. “Rent isn’t that expensive and there are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs. The thing is, Jozi will kick you when you’re down. But you need to get up again. Like I said, there is no time for pity and stagnation in Africa’s greatest city.”

Details: www.reismier.com

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