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UPDATE: Zoo Lake lives to fight another day

ZOOLAKE - Operations resume at Zoo Lake Bowling Club.

UPDATE:  September 2014, 12:30pm – Relieved patrons flocked back to the Zoo Lake Bowling Club on 2 September after a court order temporarily halted an eviction order, and operations resumed at 12pm.

This after the City of Johannesburg obtained an eviction order against the bowls club which it implemented yesterday. However attorneys acting on behalf of the bowls club, submitted a petition to appeal the eviction based on a technicality relating to the issuing of the eviction notice.

Stephen Hardie, secretary for the bowling club, said if the eviction order was enforced, the premises would have probably remained vacant until a new lawful tender process was completed.

On 29 August, the initial tender process, which saw Kenako Consulting winning the bid for the premises, was declared “unconstitutional” by the High Court and the court further ruled that a valid tender process commence.

Hardie said they were waiting for the Supreme Court of Appeal to overturn the eviction order entirely.

The City of Johannesburg is now seeking legal advice while examining the latest court order. City council’s spokesperson Nthatisi Modingoane said they would also be monitoring the club’s threat to take the matter to the Supreme Court of Appeal.

This is a developing story, and more details will follow as they become available.

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Initial report: 1 September 2014, 3:30pm – This comes after the club lost its bid to stay open until the premises be adjudicated to a successful bidder by the City of Joburg’s Property Company.

On 29 August the initial tender process, which saw Kenako Consulting winning the bid for the premises, was declared “unconstitutional” by the High Court and the court further ruled that a valid tender process commence.

Following this judgement, Schindlers Attorneys, on behalf of Zoo Lake Bowling Club, submitted a petition to appeal the court’s decision to evict the current tenant on the basis that when the eviction notice was issued, the premises were adjudicated to Kenako Consulting.

Steven Hardie of Schindlers Attorneys said if the eviction order was enforced, the premises would then stay vacant until a new lawful tender process was completed.

Television sets and other property belonging to the current tenant are packed up.
Television sets and other property belonging to the current tenant are packed up.

“We know what happens when buildings such as this one are left vacant for too long. Look at the history of the other bowling clubs in Joburg left vacant – they are vandalised and ruined,” he said

Twenty-eight members of staff were left wondering what would happen next when the Sheriff arrived on the premises to change the locks and evict the current club tenant, Chris Moffat.

Bonisiwe Zulu, one of the staff members and a mother to five children living in KwaZulu-Natal, said she didn’t know where she would go.

“Yes we knew that the club was in court fighting to stay open but no one warned us that the club would be closed today,” she said.

“I can’t even go back home as I have no money. I don’t know what any of us will do, I think we will stay here until the place opens again.”

The Sheriff, whose name is not known to the Gazette, refused to comment and intimidated the Gazette, threatening to call the police if our reporter took more photos; the men hired to help evict the tenants also attempted to intimidate our reporter.

What are your thoughts on the end of the club?

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  1. I’m not surprised the owner can’t fight this after being robbed blind . The staff at this establishment are renowned for pocketing ANY cash that comes over the counter – it’s treated in such a nonchalant manner that the waiters and Barman openly high fived each other post a rip off – bad management – deservedly closed

  2. Why would somebody want to destroy one business for nothing and no plan to improve or justify the eviction besides flaunting some rich name around nobody cares who owns it. What are they doing with it though?? Then we can decide if its worth it or bull sit.
    People are disgustingly selfish

  3. If only the bowling club had of paid a bribe, it would have been a done-deal and the lease would have been renewed.

  4. Im so glad they dealing with this rather than, i dont know, EVERY OTHER FUCKING CRIME AND ISSUE THAT HAS A NEGATIVE IMPACT.

  5. Des, you don’t know what you are talking about. Your comments amount to slander and should be viewed as such.

    @Chris, well done on running a lovely establishment, its terrible it had to end this way. I wish you all the best on your next endeavour.

  6. This is a personal posting and I no way represent the views of the Zoo Lake bowling club. I am the owner of the bar which has worked hand in hand with the club. My ambition was to see what was considered a white bastion of the old way of our country change into a socially cohesive community, one without wealth , color, religious bias etc. through the world of public houses (i.e. a bar)become a place of tolerance and cohesion.

    In that I have totally succeeded even thought at times I have paid a barman whilst he was stealing, paying school fees for some, sponsoring our local police despite atrocious service being given. I won on what was right, at personal cost, but I believe the club and community it nurtured has become a South African success in its goals.
    Now facing a corrupt governance, a legal team without any budget limitations we have a pack of wolves going mad. A successor was chosen by the city on the back of his Robbin Island history, and one who will work in the plan to take this land away from those to whom it was bequeathed, public land. Even when the court threw out the decision to award the tender the old lawyer for the defendant (City and Kenaco Consulting a company lead by the somewhat questionable Dr Sachs Cooper) said it was time to see the white hands replaced.
    So for the last 80 years the club which has been home to to old and young, one which has never taken benefit of monies nor profiteered and has served and hosted all; is the maniacal target of greed.
    I personally will fight to see the city does not win this fight, I gain nothing except hope that we can have a place of our own, a venue of tolerance in an ever expanding world of madness.
    Chris Moffatt

  7. Chris – a heartfelt thanks to you and the team for all the years where you created an atmosphere that you couldn’t find anywhere in JHB, potentially in SA. We did indeed mix amongst rich and poor and across all races and ages. We laughed and smiled with people from totally different backgrounds and sat together on common ground – which me and my friends called “the spot”. You have the support of thousands and we wish you all the best.

    If there are new owners, all I can say is this – you can win a tender by hook or by crook but you can’t tendered my wallet or that of my friends. Not a breadcrumb will be bought from you. Be humble and stand down so we can have our “spot” back.

  8. Chris – a heartfelt thanks to you and the team for all the years where you created an atmosphere that you couldn’t find anywhere in JHB, potentially in SA. We did indeed mix amongst rich and poor and across all races and ages. We laughed and smiled with people from totally different backgrounds and sat together on common ground – which me and my friends called “the spot”. You have the support of thousands and we wish you all the best.

    If there are new owners, all I can say is this – you can win a tender by hook or by crook but you can’t tender my wallet or that of my friends. Not a breadcrumb will be bought from you. Be humble and stand down so we can have our “spot” back.

  9. Des, don’t spread your filth all over something that’s far bigger than you and has brought people far more joy over the years. I will miss bowls club very much. Chris – thank you for running a place that brought together so many good memories that will never be forgotten.

  10. Chris thanks. Moses Thanks. This was possibly the best example of reasonable race gender age integration. A sad day. Des Oxford if I think who you are – go do what you do best. You lost my alliance and friendship. Fight them Chris if you can.

  11. Thanks for the awesome memories, for the amazing encounters this place with its principles created. I’ve listened and discovered great music and musicians, i laughed a lot. That was my warm and safe place and i was proud of it, i brought plenty people from overseas and from south Africa, all were amazed. Each time , like this morning, I will listen to the energetic jazz track “Moanin” i will think about the gentleness of the staff, about my friends, the weekend trips we planned there, the music i danced on, the energy it gave me, the laughter with musicians …this was the place i would go as a ritual on the Mondays, i knew without checking that my friends would be there too. Thank you to who made this possible.

  12. Thank you so much to the Moffat family for so many years of great memories, fun times and great entertainment, drinks and food. I will really miss Bowls. I hope one day you can find a new opportunity from which to run the bar! I would be there on opening day :)

  13. Hi Chris, so so sorry to hear this sad news. We were all just there last month (Women’s Day) and had a blast, as always! Such a pity. Please let us know if you are going to open again in another venue (vic.allen77@gmail.com) and we will definitely come and support. – Victoria

  14. This “legal” action doesn’t even sound legal. It cannot be a money issue, the bowling club is never empty, and I never got a free burger. It is not stated at least in this article what the real issue is here but it just sounds like somebody wants there hand on the bowling club which is sad. I have been going there for over 20 years. its not only a place to get a burger in the afternoon but also somewhere to go on a weekend. a real shame…

  15. The same fate awaits the Blind Bowlers Club in Dunkeld West. A tender has been won by Boston City Campus to destroy the bowling greens and erect 5-a-side soccer for their students. JPC has clearly not visited the club to see the thriving community of patrons that frequent the club, especially on the weekend. A pity that this sport is under attack from city departments when bowling teams did so well in the Commonwealth Games.

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