Perfect Gals in an imperfect world

Although Women's Month has come and gone, seduction expert and relationship coach, Mandisa Mahlobo believes there is a need for women to keep empowering themselves.

Mahlobo told this newspaper that one of the biggest challenges women faced today was not being able have influence in their intimate relationships. She said, “Women are fast losing the battle to get it right with their men. With the conflicting messages from society, one minute a woman has to create a career for herself and conquer the world, which she does, the next she has to be soft and feminine and understand that a man’s role is to take care of her.”

After she came across many women who were not happy in their relationships, Mahlobo said she decided to start an organisation that would reach out and help such women.

“I started Perfect Gal in 2006 after discovering the art of seduction and how it could be applied to relationships to influence [one’s] partner and in turn get what [one] wants. Through the organisation, I preach the gospel of finding your ‘happily ever after’. I try and make women understand that they are responsible for their own happiness. If they are not happy, they cannot blame anyone but themselves.”

Mahlobo hosts Perfect Gal Clubs regularly where women from different walks of life get together and talk about love, life and everything in-between.

Come 24 September, she will be host a seminar dedicated to wives. She said, “The Wife be your husband’s mistress seminar will take place at the Secret Garden, Fourways. I encourage wives to attend so they can take back their power in their marriages.”

The event starts at 12pm and Linksfield resident Kayela Mpikanisi said she could not be more excited. “I have been waiting for such a revival for too long,” she said. “I will be in the front row. I believe that once in a while one needs to get together with other wives and also get advice from the experts.”

Mahlobo encouraged women to wear dresses to the event. “Just so they can tap into their feminine charm,” she added.


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