The next Protea gymnast

PARKVIEW – PARKVIEW Senior School pupil, Caitlin Rooskrantz is fresh from winning gold at an international gymnastics competition which was held in the USA.

The International Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs’ World Gymnastics Championships were hosted by the United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs in Orlando, Florida, between June and July.

Rooskrantz had been selected by the South African Gymnastics Federation to represent South Africa at the competition, where she won gold in her age group, girls 12-13 years. The championships had 1 350 gymnasts from Bermuda, South Africa, Great Britain, Canada and USA.

The Grade 7 pupil who started participating in the sport at the age of six said, “It feels very good that I can represent South Africa, the privilege is that I get to travel to places I have never been before, it’s really nice,” she said.

The 12-year-old has also been identified by South African federation as an athlete with the potential to become a future Protea gymnast. Her training schedule includes two morning and six afternoon sessions per week, where she spends four hours fine-tuning her skills.

In March, Rooskrantz participated in the African Championships in Pretoria, representing the SA junior team, where she was the youngest competitor in the junior field of gymnasts. She finished fourth overall and team South Africa finished in second position.

Principal at the school, Kathleen Perchtold, said Rooskrantz was living up to the motto of the school which is ‘strive for excellence’.

“She is a remarkable child who never fails to complete her school work in spite of having to be away from time to time for gymnastic competitions,” said the delighted principal.

“She is a young lady with determination and courage, of whom we are all extremely proud.”

Her goals include participating at the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the 2020 Olympic Games.

She is already preparing for the 2016 African Championships, “I’m aiming to come in the top three because I will have more experience,” said the humble pupil.

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