Diary of an Oppi fiend

This is the twentieth year since OppiKoppi started beckoning music lovers to drink from the sweet cup of live music while breathing in a lung-full of dust.

Under the theme of Odyssey, 7 to 9 August was another OppiKoppi weekend for the books. More than 20 000 campers streamed in at the gates of the festival to camp, get dirty, dance, sing and be merry. Here is my experience:

Day 1

It’s Thursday morning. I quickly send two more work emails then pack for our trip. A great friend, and for the second time a trusted companion to the festival, picks me up in his Land Rover. The drive feels short. We make a quick stop at the Northam KFC for the last use of a ceramic toilet, and to grab lunch. By 3pm we’re in and set up camp. I feel alive on the way to the stages. We get cashless festival cards, walk around and I stumble on people I know from varsity. Tonight is mostly a blur of activity as revellers are still fresh and eager to party.

Day 2

Friday. First we had to go to the portaloos (they’re getting cleaned now so best time to do it) then we start on a breakfast of egg, toast and bacon. We decide to walk to the festival ground, me sans shirt and with sunscreen meant for your face. We grab some coffee and go back. Decide to go to Northam to get a case of beer (and a free hoodie) and some shoes from PEP, and get ready for the stages. Tonight Springbok Nude Girls are playing. In-between we get some pizza, coffee and I meet up with more people from varsity. This is possibly the first time I speak to them in years, but at ‘Koppi it’s like we’re old friends catching up.

Day 3

Start with breakfast again. We’re at the campsite a bit and play catch with a tennis ball. We go the stages to take photos and hike the Koppie. Hugh Masakela is playing (he was honoured this year for his commitment to South African music). His voice makes me feel that all is well. By now little sleep and walking up hills is taking its toll on my legs and back, but tonight Editors and Wolfmother are playing. We do our final booze-up in water bottles and go to the stages again. The Editors are remarkable, and they seem taken aback by their South African following. Wolfmother is next. We’re standing near the front of the stages and look at all the mosh pits in bemusement. I want to join in but chicken out to go deep. It just seems dangerous. We head back. The music is over for 2014.

Day 4

It’s Sunday morning and people never let up with playing music from their cars. I catch the sunrise, and want to make tea. Our gas canister has been stolen. We walk a bit to see if we can find it, give up and pack up camp to go sit in 80 minutes of traffic to get out of Northam. Back at home I bath, say hello to the dogs and go into a deep slumber. Another amazing OppiKoppi.

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