CPF warns residents to be more careful

NORWOOD - The Norwood Community Policing Forum has encouraged members of the public to exercise caution and to know what goes on around their homes.

The forum’s chairperson Duncan Barker was addressing residents at an AGM meeting held at Norwood Primary School.

Present at the meeting were police officials and residents.

Barker said, “On my walks and runs in our neighbourhood, I often pass houses where gates and garages are left open. Criminals will take this chance to enter the property, so people need to be aware.”

Debi Cox, a committee member of the forum encouraged residents to know who their neighbours were. “We urge people to know who their sharing fences with as this will only help them,” said Cox. “This will also help with crime prevention as neighbours can phone one another if they see something unusual, even before a criminal activity takes place.”

Barker urged residents to refer to the forum’s Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updates from the police and other associations that the forum engages with.

He added that crime in the Sector 1 area had increased. These areas include Birdhaven, Riviera, Birnam, Houghton Estate, Melrose, Melrose North, Melrose Estate, Melrose Bird Sanctuary, James and Ethel Grey Park, Houghton Golf Club and Killarney Golf Course.

Barker said, “I can say with confidence that the sector has seen a marked increase in crime and we are continually engaging the residents’ associations to become more involved with us. We would appreciate any support that is available within these suburbs as we must get a handle on this [level of crime].”

He urged anyone willing to partner with the forum to get in touch with him.

Barker added that people should look out for a white Mercedes Benz that was usually occupied by four black men who were involved in house robberies.

Another car to look out for, according to Barker, was a white Uno which was driven by a white man who specialises in robbing women of their handbags. “He will pretend to be wanting some information and then grabs the bag and drives off,” said Barker.

He also warned of a silver Audi A3, which is most of the time occupied by three black men who were involved in business robberies.

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