Zoo Lake Bowls Club unlikely to become rehab centre

Johannesburg Property Company has denied that the Zoo Lake Bowls Club would be turned into a rehabilitation centre.

This followed rumours that a doctor from Durban, with intentions of changing the property into a rehabilitation centre, was favoured by the city council’s property company to win the much-contested tender.

The bowls club, a well-known watering hole for students and local residents, has been involved in legal battles with the city council since 2010.

According to Kululwa Muthwa of the property company, the lease that was concluded with the club expired on 31 May, 2010 and the tenants were given the required notice in terms of their agreement with the city council regarding the expiry of the agreement, terminating the agreement effective 11 November, 2011.

A worker at the club, who requested that his name not be published, said the club was served with a notice to evict the premises by 31 August this year, but the eviction was overturned after it was appealed by the current tenant.

“The court decided that because the tender had not yet been [awarded], the current tenant could stay until the tender process was completed and a new tenant found,” he said.

Regular patron at the club, Marianne Clarke (52) said it would be terrible if the property was used for anything other than what it was at the moment.

Clarke, a Fourways resident said she travelled all the way to the club because of the incredible atmosphere the place offered.

Florida resident, Thabo Makamo (33) said people who go to the club had become a small community – it has become a place where everyone knows everyone else.

“It’s the only place that I know where race, age and a person’s ethnicity does not matter. The city needs to consider what will benefit the community as a whole before awarding this tender,” said Makamo.

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