Missing manhole covers pose danger

MISSING manhole covers throughout Johannesburg North continue to make the city a non-pedestrian friendly city.

William Gaul of Parktown Association expressed his concerns about the danger of manholes being left uncovered, saying one manhole in Parktown had been missing a cover for years despite it having been reported numerous times.

Parktown resident Dr Joachim Hartleb said he had also noticed that the metal manhole covers were being replaced with plastic ones.

Showing The Gazette one of the plastic covers Hartleb said, “The problem with the plastic covers is that they get damaged really quickly.”

Johannesburg Roads Agency spokesperson, Bertha Peters-Scheepers, said the agency had noted the several complaints about missing manhole covers, admitting the problem remained a challenge, especially for the safety of the community.

“Unfortunately these covers are attractive to vandals and thieves for their resale value,” she said.

Dr Joachim Hartleb shows a damaged plastic manhole cover.

Peters-Scheepers explained that the agency replaced manhole covers with stock on an ongoing basis.

Acknowledging the plastic covers, she added, “A pilot test, with a number of manhole cover products using different materials has proven positive and the agency has developed a specification document for alternative materials to be used for manhole covers.

“We are optimistic that these alternative material covers will prove less attractive to criminals. Once approved, the procurement process will be followed to obtain these alternative manhole covers as well.”

Peters-Scheepers asked the public to assist by reporting missing or broken manhole covers.

She assured that it would take 24 hours at most, after reporting, to replace the cover.

However, she went on to say, if no cover was immediately available, the agency would then secure the area and replace the cover later.

“Furthermore, when the cover is a water-related cover, the agency will assist by securing the area and reporting the matter to the city entity for replacement,” she said.

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