Abusive dog walker condemned

Dog walker, Thandeo Ngoma has expressed his dismay at a recent story about a dog walker suspected of abusing a dog.

This follows the article, Dog walker accused week ending 13 June after motorist Heimari Lombaard contacted The Gazette to report a dog walker “hitting and kicking the dog” in Saxonworld on 29 May.

“If these accusations are true then I am very disappointed at the dog walker,” he said.

Ngoma spoke to The Gazette while walking two dogs for his employers at Verity Park. With both dogs off the leash at the park, the diligent dog walker constantly watched as five-year-old Isabel and two-year-old Enzo played with each other and the other dogs in the park.

“I’ve been responsible for walking Isabel and Enzo since my employers adopted them. Being a pitbull, at first Enzo was a little rough but now he’s learned how to play with the other dogs.

“I see no need to hit or kick either one as all I have to do is talk to them… they listen you know.”

Ngoma, who works mostly as a gardener said walking the dogs at the park had allowed him to meet other dog walkers and learn other things from them.

“Other dog walkers need to know that dogs can be communicated with and there is no need to yank, hit or kick a dog,” he said.

“If the man did hit or kick the dog then it is wrong, he gives a bad name to the rest of us.”

Related article: Dog walker accused of abuse

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