Retirement home won’t be left in the dark

In order to be better prepared for power cuts during the winter months, Rand Aid installed water tanks and a generator at Thembalami Care Centre.

According to matron Paulina Hlatshwako, the organisation was forced to make provisions for back-up services after numerous water and power cuts negatively impacted residents.

The Lombardy East-based retirement home houses physically and financially vulnerable senior citizens, some of whom are on oxygen.

“Thanks to the installation of the tanks and generator, we are able to continue providing uninterrupted services to the residents. We can now ensure the safety and well-being of both residents and staff at all times,” said Hlatshwako.

She added that food had been going off and was wasted and that the lack of hot water compromised the quality of residents’ lives.

“Staff members were also battling to render care in the dark,” she said.

Hlatshwako added that when the municipal water supply was cut, staff members had to fill buckets with borehole water or truck water sourced from elsewhere.

Each of the four tanks holds 10 000 litres of water, giving the home a back-up supply of 40 000 litres.

Hlatshwako said an anonymous benefactor had paid for the JoJo tanks; and the generator which cost R500 000, was paid for by Rand Aid.

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