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Letter to the editor: Unhappy about Parkhurst pavement culture

Paul Schamberger of Parkhurst writes:

I am a Parkhurst resident who is not altogether happy with the encroachment of restaurants on our pavements.

I agree with Councillor Tim Truluck when he says that the city must adopt a sidewalk policy that clearly lays down the procedure for the use of sidewalks. And, of course, the policy must be enforced, otherwise this thing will get completely out of hand.

Many of us are fed up with having to squeeze past the tables that occupy most of the pavement space. Add to that the undisciplined parking of vehicles just anywhere on 4th Avenue and in the side streets, especially on weekends. Our street corners seem to be favoured spots for diners to park their often very large vehicles.

How inconsiderate can you get?

It amazes me that nobody has dared to say in public what the real problem with these pavement-gobbling restaurants is: they have every incentive to “colonise” the pavements, as Truluck describes it. These “colonists” don’t pay a single cent in rent for the outside space on which they actively trade. We, the ratepayers, pay their rent for them. That must help make these establishments the most profitable businesses around.

And what do we, the ratepayers, get in return?

Oh, I see, they say they keep their spaces tidy. Big deal. Otherwise, who would want to eat there?

Let’s cut out the nonsense about restaurants doing Parkhurst a huge favour by joyfully cultivating our cafe culture.

They are in it for the big bucks, plain and simple.

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  1. These restaurqnts are interfering with residents’ lawful enjoyment of the amenities of their environment. Each case needs to be reported to the police and a separate police case opened, otherwise the restaurant owners will continue to thumb their noses at us. They do not listen to reasonable requests to desist from their illegal activities, but a few police visits will make their patrons uncomfortable.

  2. Restaurants pay heavy rentals in Parkhurst and in addition to this they pay their contribution to the building that they occupy’s rates and taxes. To claim that residents are sponsoring the restaurants is absurd. I ask you what other suburb in jhb can residents actually walk the streets. This is purely because of the restaurants that there are enough people around to make this a safe excersise. So get off your high horse

  3. Restaurants pay heavy rentals in Parkhurst and in addition to this they pay their contribution to the building that they occupy’s rates and taxes. To claim that residents are sponsoring the restaurants is absurd. I ask you what other suburb in jhb can residents actually walk the streets. This is purely because of the restaurants that there are enough people around to make this a safe exercise. Please by all means get off your high horse.

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