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Girls school marches for Nigerian peers

Pupils from Waverley Girls High School joined in on the global campaign in praying for the release of more than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls.

Pupils from Waverley Girls’ High School joined the global campaign in praying for the release of more than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls.

The pupils marched from the school premises to Louis Botha Avenue holding posters saying #BringBackOurGirls.

Deputy principal, Brigette Schakberger said the pupils showed interest to get involved with the campaign and initiated the march without any input from the staff. “It is amazing that they saw a need to come up with such an initiative. We are just here to support them,” she said.

President head girl of the school, Ayanda Ndaba, told the North Eastern Tribune that as an all-girls’ school they could relate, to a certain extent, with the kidnapped girls. “What happened to these girls was very unfortunate and we have put ourselves in their shoes and can only imagine how our parents and friends would feel. It is for that reason that we decided to join in on the campaign in praying for the return of the girls. They are being deprived of an education and it is not right,” she said.

The pupils also signed petitions which will be delivered to the Nigerian Embassy.

Ndaba added that her school would submit letters written to the parents of the girls along with the petitions. She said, “We are praying for the safe return of the girls. It is not right for them to be taken away from their lives just like that.”

Another pupil, Kgolagano Podile said she felt sorry for the girls and hoped that the kidnappers would be punished. “The girls must be terrified wherever they are. It really is not fair on them and on their parents. I hope Boko Haram will be punished,” she said.

The school’s principal, Milton Seopa said the pupils surprised him in a good way. “I am happy that they took it upon themselves to organise the march in support of the Nigerian girls,” said Seopa.

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