Preserve our heritage

The Yeoville Bellevue Ratepayers Association is infuriated by the ‘Continued destruction of the Heritage properties’ in the Yeoville Bellevue area, ‘Without any intervention from the City of Johannesburg’.

The Yeoville Bellevue Ratepayers’ Association is infuriated by what they call the continued destruction of heritage properties in the Yeoville/Bellevue area.

This after extensions to Radoma Court on Erf 471 on the corner of Yeo and Cavendish streets in Bellevue – without any intervention by the City of Joburg.

The association’s chairperson Reverend Tsepo Matubatuba said the extension was continuing despite the city council being alerted to the activities. He said the building was a heritage of notable architectural standing within the city.

“We are vehemently opposing the destruction of the heritage architecture of the court,” added Matubatuba.

“We are calling on the development planning MMC and her officials to stop this carnage with immediate effect.”

Matubatuba said a number of such extensions had been reported in the past, but they continued despite early reporting by community members and concerned organisations.

City of Joburg spokesperson Nthatisi Modingoane said an inspection had been undertaken and notices had been issued to cease all work and to submit plans to council. He said, “The inspector will re-visit the site and if work is still in progress, another stop order will be issued so that an urgent application for legal action can be undertaken.”

Meanwhile Johannesburg Heritage Foundation chairperson, Flo Bird said she was delighted to hear that a stop order had been issued by the city, but was also furious to hear that work continued regardless.

Bird said, “I am sure there must be some way the city can enforce its stop order, such as arresting the perpetrators, owners and builders. There is no doubt that concerned members of the public are watching, and if the city allows the owner of this building to defy its authority with impunity, the outrage will be against the city and the transgressor. I hope the Metro police will be on site soon to ensure that no builder or any of his staff enter the premises.”

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