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Sewing school students graduate

A sewing school for unemployed men and women set up by The Union of Jewish Women is starting to bear fruit.

The union, a charitable organisation which has been in existence for 82 years, commissioned the school at Christ Ministries in the Johannesburg city centre last year.

The vice-chairman of the union in Johannesburg, Lynne Raphaely said the aim of the sewing school was to empower unemployed people and equip them with the required skills to ultimately be in a position to support themselves.

“Through the generosity of various donors, the union was able to equip the sewing school with sewing machines and managed to source donations of fabric,” said Raphaely.

A seamstress was employed as the teacher and students were recruited from among church members.

“The excitement was palpable when the first batch of students recently attended a very special graduation ceremony, and modelled the outfits which they had made,” said Raphaely.

“This was a fashion show with a difference, and it was difficult to believe that six months earlier none of the students had ever used a sewing machine.”

The union’s numerous projects include a daily soup kitchen at the Hillbrow Community Health Centre, an after care centre and daily feeding scheme for primary school children at the Alexandra Lutheran Church, and three crèches in Alex.

The union also provides 63 granny and child-headed households in Pimville with monthly food parcels and clothing for each family member at the beginning of every summer and winter.

The sewing school is now producing carry bags and tablecloths which can be ordered through the offices of the Johannesburg branch of the Union of Jewish Women.

Details: 011 648 1053

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