
Remote jammers nabbed

PARKTOWN NORTH – Parkview police arrested three suspects found in possession of a vehicle jamming device and suspected stolen property in Parktown North.

Parkview police arrested three suspects found in possession of a vehicle-jamming device and suspected stolen property in Parktown North.

The suspects, two males and a female, aged 39, 46 and 48 were arrested by patrolling officers who noticed the three acting suspiciously while in a white VW Polo close to the intersection of Jan Smuts and 7th avenues.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Lloyd Ramovha said officers stopped the vehicle and searched the suspects. They discovered a jamming device, a silver HP laptop and two handbags.

“The suspects were then asked to switch on the laptop as they claimed it belonged to one of them, but they failed to provide the correct password to log on,” said Ramovha.

The suspects were arrested and will remain in custody until they appear in the Hillbrow Magistrate’s Court soon.

Remote jamming is a common phenomenon throughout the country. Thieves monitor motorists in parking lots, and as a motorist presses the lock button on their remote control to lock their car, the thieves press their own remotes which operate on the same frequency. The signal gets jammed as a result, which prevents the car from being locked.

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