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Israel apartheid week

Letter to the editor.

Kelly Odes and Avigael Brown write:

On 12 of March an assembly was held to inform King David High School pupils about the Israel apartheid week that is currently taking place at university campuses around the world.

Apartheid week was created in order for a group of university students to try convince fellow students that Israel is an apartheid state. This assembly was very informative, as we, as the Jewish youth of South Africa need to know what is going on in the world around us. The guest speaker delivered an instructive speech as well as showed videos and presentations that not only inspired us to stand up for our nation, but also prepared us for situations we may encounter, such as anti-zionism attacks.

We learnt that if we know the facts and the truth, we will be able to use our voices in order to fight for Israel, as knowledge is power.

We ended off the assembly by contributing to the issue and taking a photo while holding up sign that read ‘KDL Opposes Israel Apartheid Week #KnowTheTruth #ReThink2014’.

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